The key to enhancing self-awareness

What is DISC Profiling?

5 Things to Know About DISC

Introducing the DISC Model

DISC is a simple, four-quadrant model which measures the degree to which an individual is likely to display each behavioral style, Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientious.

We all display a degree of all four styles, but will have a preference towards one to three of them, this is what makes up our unique DISC style. But it’s not about confining people to their preferred styles or ‘boxes’ in the model. As DISC is about behaviour, it means we can adapt to display different behaviours to suit the preferences of others in order to improve communication or get a better outcome. 

DISC model, what is DISC?

the four DISC styles


Indirect and slower-paced, guarded and task-focused

Conscientious refers to how someone prefers to deal with and follow rules, structure, and processes. Someone who measures high in the Conscientious behavioural style will focus in following rules and structure, prioritising accuracy and reliable facts. High C’s are often rule-driven, have a great attention to detail, systematic, and formal.

Conscientious Conrad DISC Character
Dominance Dee DISC Character


Direct and fast-paced, guarded and goal-focused

Dominance indicates how directly someone prefers to deal with problems, challenges, and issues they are confronted with. Someone who measures high in the Dominance behavioural style, will actively and independently pursue, and immediately address problems or challenges. High D’s may come across demanding, assertive, daring, and driven.

Steadiness Sally DISC Character


Indirect and slower-paced, open and relationship-oriented

Steadiness indicates an individual’s preferred pace of activity – that is, how fast or slowly they do things. Someone who measures high in the Steadiness behavioural style, will exhibit a great deal of patience and prefer a calm, stable, and consistent approach. High S’s are often referred to as empathetic, accpeting, and team-orientated. 


Direct and fast-paced, open and people-oriented

Influence refers to how someone approaches people and the environment around them, and is an extroversion-introversion scale. Someone who measures high in the Influence behavioural style, will be outgoing, seek personal connections, and enjoy frequent interactions with others. High I’s are likely extroverted, optimistic, talkative, and enthusiastic.

Influence Ian DISC Character

Experience quality DISC Assessments

Delving Deeper into DISC

While the model itself is quite simple, Athlete Assessments and Team8’s suite of DISC Assessments come with the ability to dive into the theory and application, to truly master and understand this area of expertise. Importantly, the aim of DISC is never to ‘improve’ your profile, as there is no better or worse individual DISC Profile. Instead, developing self-awareness around how you prefer to behave, communicate, and be communicated to is the focus. Ultimately, it is important to better understand what works well for you and what doesn’t within the context of your given environment.

It's important to remember

Everyone possesses some degree of each of the four DISC behavioural styles. It is the intensity of each DISC style and how they combine, that defines your unique Adapted and Natural DISC Profile.

DISC assessments behavioural Diamond
Mock-up TeacherDISC Profile

take your performance to the next level

DISC Profiling facilitates a developed understanding of what behaviours will produce optimal results for you, not only as an individual, but also when working in a team or group. DISC provides individuals with the tools to increase levels of self-awareness and awareness of others to effectively adapt to different situations. 

Ready to get started with DISC?